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Join the Fight!

Upcoming Event: Burbank City Council Meeting on Tenant Protections
Tues, July 16 at 6pm  •  Burbank City Hall

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​Burbank City staff will present their draft Tenant Protections Ordinance. If you want to press City Council to ensure strong protection are included, show up and speak out in support!


​Public Comment Call-in: 818-238-3335


​Email Council:


Fill out our no-fault eviction questionnaire:


​Below are some of the specific protections we have proposed and must fight for to ensure they are included.

  1. ​Close the renoviction loophole through right to return and temporary relocation assistance.

  2. ​Universal Just Cause: Tenants in all housing protected by requirement of legitimate at-fault or no-fault reasoning.

  3. ​Self Funded Rental registry: All rental units must be registered with the city, and rent increases processed through city to ensure legality.

  4. ​Relocation assistance for all no-fault evictions equal to 3 months fair market rent, plus extra month for qualified tenants (Senior, disabled, low-income, dependent child(ren) under 18).

  5. ​Owner and family move-in evictions more tightly regulated.

  6. ​Ellis Act demolition removal from market evictions more tightly regulated.

  7. ​Anti-harassment and anti-retaliation protections.

  8. ​City enforcement mechanism and dedicated staff to enforce local and state housing law.

  9. ​Relocation assistance for economic displacement: Excessive rent increase allows tenant to self-evict with substantial relocation assistance.

  10. ​Failure to pay rent redefied as owing more than 1 month’s fair market rent.

  11. ​Notice of tenants rights required when entering into a lease, renewing a lease, and notice of rent increase.

  12. ​Cash for keys buyouts regulated with strict guidelines including notice of rights and time to make informed decision.

  13. ​Language Justice: Requires notices to be filed in primary language of tenant.

Attend City Council Meetings!

When? Tuesdays at 6:00pm 


 Where? Burbank City Hall • 275 East Olive Avenue Burbank, CA 

General Meeting:​

  • 7/16 - Tenant Protections on the Agenda!


Landlord Tenant Commission  

  • When: First Monday of the month (unless otherwise posted)

  • Time: 6:15 p.m. 

  • Location: Community Services Building, 150 N. Third St., Burbank, Room 104 map



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© 2024 Burbank Tenants Union

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